Communication and information system modernisation

Communication and information system modernisation through TICs and development of an e-administration for a good technical and financial management

After the basic training and the local workshops addressed to directors, people in charge of the quality assurance and academic staff, training visits on the field and exchange of good practices will complete the financial staff training on TICs in the financial and technical management as well as in the monitoring of management programs and tools. To that purpose, two people from each Tunisian university will have the opportunity to visit the EU partner universities’ financial departments (Barcelona, Paris and La Sapienza in Rome). At a later stage the strengthening of the staff’s competences will be completed and extended in each university through training sessions at local level (1 workshop per institution in Tunisia). The people trained during the previous activities will become trainers and will transfer their knowledge, experiences and savoir-faire to other future managers or administrative positions. More than 65 people will participate to the 3 training sessions at local level, while 26 administrative workers will complete their training through the training visit in Europe (Paris, Barcelona and La Sapienza in Rome for 5 days). The training workshops at local level will train 91 people from Tunisian universities. The training will permit to each Tunisian university to create an e-administration cell. The development of capacities strengthening activities for managers, administrative and academic positions from the Tunisian partners, will be able to continue the development of other activities and to launch initiatives for financing future activities. The training results will be integrated following a domino effect in the institutions through training workshops at local level. They will be directly developed by the training beneficiaries and they will be conceived to be reproducible further, after the necessary changes in terms of style and content. The correct development of the activities will be guaranteed by the University of Barcelona which has a great experience in the use of TICs in the administrative management, but also by the Tunisian partner co-coordinator, the Université Virtuelle de Tunis-UVT, which offers its distance learning platform where the training contents will be available remotely. Each Tunisian university will buy an equipment in order to create and make this e-administration cell work.

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