

The aim is to ensure a balanced execution of the strategic management of the project through the implementation of a arranged action framework.
UNIMED is responsible for ensuring all coordination, contracting and financial management actions for the preparation and production of progress reports, in accordance with the procedures and deadlines set by the program. The coordinator is responsible for interacting with the European Commission and monitoring the budget implementation.
All partners are involved in the project management activities, such as: contribution to the progress reports and the final report, production of their costs certification, compliance with the rules of good conduct included in the Quality plan, assurance of a transparent, gentle and regular relationship with the coordinator and partners, organisation and attendance of project management meetings and all other meetings.
The consortium has a Management Committee that meet regularly. SAGESSE envisages 6 face-to-face meetings that coincide with other project activities (events or training actions) in order to improve the effectiveness and cost control. In addition, the consortium can organise virtual meetings regularly.

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