
Second cycle training ongoing: Sphinx equips all Tunisian universities to develop the e-administration

As part of the SAGESSE project – Improving Governance in the Higher Education System in Tunisia - and under the coordination of UNIMED and the Virtual University of Tunis, Sphinx, publisher of survey solutions, of analysis of quantitative and qualitative data and data visualization, equips all 13 Tunisian universities with its software solutions.

Then the representatives of all 13 Tunisian universities, as SAGESSE partners, participated in a first 2-day training in July and they are currently participating in a further training cycle that will end at the end of December and that will ensure a high degree of mastery for participants to make them autonomous and able of training and supervising their counterparts in their establishments.

In this context, Tunisian Universities participate in the reform for the modernization of information and communication systems, the strengthening of digitization and the development of e-administration, and adopt a complete software solution allowing satisfaction surveys, surveys on the future of graduates, teaching evaluation questionnaires, surveys on the needs of companies and in particular to train teacher-researchers and Tunisian students on survey techniques and methods of analysis of data.

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