
Call for external evaluator

The SAGESSE project «Improving Governance in the Higher Education System in Tunisia» is in process and its call for an External Evaluator has been launched.

The quality control is a constitutive part of the project so as to assure that objectives and activities are efficiently reached. This monitoring measure guarantees the quality of the results, methods and procedures employed in the project cycle management and in the development of results as well.

In addition to the role of the Quality Control Committee, an external expert will evaluate the progress and success of the activities compared to the project indicators and he/she will suggest actions aiming at improving the results’ overall effectiveness. The evaluator will study and analyse data on the project in order to identify the achievement of results and their weaknesses. Furthermore, the expert will produce reports on the project status and make recommendations.

This work package is coordinated by the Université de Sfax and co-coordinated by the Centro Studi e Iniziative europeo CESIE.

The Reference terms for the external expert selection are available on the project website www.sagesseproject.eu and on all partners’ website as well.

Please send your application by November 30th 2018 to info@sagesseproject.eu

For the Terms of Reference and further information, please click SAGESSE_TOR_SAGESSE_TOR_

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