
Tunisian Universities gathered in Rome for a field visit on internationalization and Information and communications technology (ICTs)

In the framework of the SAGESSE project a field visit was organized in Rome, hosted by Sapienza University. The agenda was focused on the modernization of the communication and information system with the use of ICTs and the development of a e-administration unit for a good financial and technical management. On this occasion all the Tunisian partner universities together with the Tunisian Ministry for Higher Education and IEAQA (National Tunisian Agency on Quality Assurance and Accreditation) took part in the event.

Visits, presentation sessions and open discussion of the working groups were provided by the hosting University in the field. In particular on this occasion, there were organized two visits: one to the center InfoSapienza, aimed at supporting the University’s ICT, and the other one to LazioDiSCo, a regional institution promoting access to education and knowledge.

Furthermore, there were presented the University research and internationalization activities. Indeed, the idea of this visit was to present the case of the hosting University, Sapienza University of Rome, focusing on the aspects of the implementation of the strategies and the management problems encountered, as well as the institutional mechanisms to solve them in the field of the information system and communication.

To find out more, please download the programme and the list of participants of the Rome visit

The results of these trainings and visits will be integrated, following a “cascade” effect in the institutions themselves through local training workshops that will be developed directly by the beneficiaries of the training.

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