
Where are we in terms of autonomy and governance of universities in Tunisia?

Within the three years of the project, SAGESSE drew up a report on the state of the art of the Governance practices at the Tunisian universities, as a result of a diagnosis and discussions among partners. The work, developed mainly by the University of Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne and the University of La Manouba, with the collaboration of UNIMED as coordinator, of the Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research as well as all 13 universities Tunisian project partners and their European colleagues, presents itself as an answer to a simple question: Where are we in terms of autonomy and governance of universities in Tunisia?

Trying to answer to this question is not obvious, due to the complexity of the object of study and the particularity of the field of analysis, which has led to the adoption of a methodological device mobilizing different methods of collecting information. data, according to a triangulation approach combining individual interviews, group interviews, direct observation but also the collection of documentary data.

This methodology makes it possible to go beyond the simple formalist approach, to better approach the reality of university governance from several complementary angles.

The report, available in 3 languages, notably in FrenchArabic and English, goes from practical cases of Governance and autonomy of universities in Europe, of higher education and research in Tunisia, to the key theme linked to Governance and Autonomy of Tunisian universities highlighting the weaknesses of the entire structure but also concrete practical experiences in the field of Quality Assurance. Finally, it concludes with the analysis of university autonomy in the different sectors, such as the academic autonomy of Tunisian universities, organizational, financial and human resources autonomy of Tunisian universities.

This report has the merit of presenting an overview of the fundamental questions posed about the governance of Tunisian universities. It offers both keys to understanding for the international partners of Tunisian universities, and a lucid portrait of the strengths and weaknesses of university governance to the actors of this system.

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