
Training-action workshop on quality assurance and the quality manual, Tunis 4-6 March 2020

As part of the SAGESSE project “Improving governance in the Higher Education system in Tunisia: towards university autonomy and towards new quality assurance mechanisms”, a workshop on the quality manual of educational institutions of ES takes place in Tunis from March 4 to 6, 2020, organized by the University of Tunis El Manar with the collaboration of the University of Sapienza in Rome.

The workshop entitled “Quality assurance standards and definition of a quality manual in higher education” aims to address several themes concerning quality assurance from quality control to the quality management system.

The workshop will be led by two experts external to the consortium, Mr. Stéphane Colonne from Aix Marseille University, expert in quality management, as well as Ms. Sarra Gharbi, certified auditor of management systems and evaluator within the organization. Tunisian accreditation - TUNAC.

The two experts will lead the first two days of the workshop on March 4 and 5 through the organization of exercises and practical studies.

Three group works will be organized, the first to define the processes and the quality management system common to all universities in the form of mapping with identification of strategic processes, the second to establish the manual of procedures in Tunisian universities and a third to establish the quality manual in Tunisian universities.

European consortium partners such as Sapienza and Siena will also present their QA model as case studies and as sources of inspiration for their Tunisian peers.

The final objective of these two days is twofold, on the one hand, the sharing and upgrading of all 13 participating Tunisian universities in the field of quality assurance and quality management, passing through the comparison between the African ASG standards. and European ESG and the international standard ISO 21001, and on the other hand, validation on the model of quality manual and procedures manual by all Tunisian universities, which are priority for the improvement of the Tunisian university system and for establish a framework for good governance.

Finally, the third day aims at the presentation of action plane of 3 Universities (UTM, Monastir and Gabès) in order to find the main common axes (harmonization of action plans) in order to launch the work of implementation of the action plans. 'action for the development of establishment projects by Tunisian universities.

The Tunisian Ministry of HE will be represented by the directorate of higher education, the directorate of programs and qualification, the directorate of equivalences and private higher education as well as by the coordination team of the program Promesse PAQ - DGSE.

To learn more about the results of the workshop, please see the report here.


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